Wednesday, May 20, 2009

1 Semester Down

Well, my first semester of seminary is done, and I feel really good about it. This semester I took all the classes that required me to be introspective and think about my relationship with God and His Son.

This semester has given me the opportunity to grow and learn about and with God... I am glad that I have started this journey.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

End of the Semester

Well, this semester is almost done... I only have 5 more papers to write and get finished... The good thing is that I have figured out that I am not an apostate.

My next class will be on evangelism, that should be fun. I hope it is more than you should share Jesus with your friends at work. I really have trouble getting the people at my work to believe in Jesus. Ha, that is funny, I work for a church.

Finally, it is time to go camping this summer, that is what I am really looking for.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dissident Discipleship

I just finished reading "Dissident Discipleship" by David Augsburger and have been pondering something that he says. I am not sure if I agree with this or not, and that is causing me to get frustrated with what I believe.

Augsburger is an Anabaptist who believes in non-violence, but also believes that anyone who supports anyone or anything that supports violence is an apostate.

Websters defines an apostate as follows:
1. One who has forsaken the faith, principles, or party, to which he before adhered; esp., one who has forsaken his religion for another; a pervert; a renegade.
2. One who, after having received sacred orders, renounces his clerical profession.

Here is my issue, I am in the military and serve my government, my country, my state, my city, my church and my family by being in the military. I know great Christians who serve and who have served in the military. But I also believe that non-violence and love for ones neighbor is the highest standard we have been given by Christ as what we should aim for.

So, what do you think about Augsburger's definition of a person who supports their government and Websters definition of apostate, and does that apply to every person who serves in the military or even serves in a public post?

This is an interesting topic that is causing me some heart-burn as I believe you can be a mature Christian and still serve your country.

Am I an apostate?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back to School

Here I am almost 35 years old, and I am going back to school. I will start seminary next week and begin work on my Master's of Divinity Degree.

This will be a huge challenge for me as I will still need to spend time with the boys in order for them to grow up into the men that God wants them to be. I will not be able to neglect their development. I will also need to be able to spend time with my wife. The last time I went to school was much easier than this. My wife and I were alone, no kids... we did have one dog, but he did not count, because he could occupy himself. I could study for long periods of time without interruption and learn the things that I wanted to learn.

I am excited about this adventure in my life. I love studying Theology and all things God. But this will be different, I will be learning how to lead people in the study of Theology and all things God.

Wish me luck, this will be a long run, but in the end, God has a plan for all of us and I await to see the outcome.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

What are your new year resolutions.

I have resolved to not make any new year resolutions. Oh, I just failed. Well, at least I got it over quick.