Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back to School

Here I am almost 35 years old, and I am going back to school. I will start seminary next week and begin work on my Master's of Divinity Degree.

This will be a huge challenge for me as I will still need to spend time with the boys in order for them to grow up into the men that God wants them to be. I will not be able to neglect their development. I will also need to be able to spend time with my wife. The last time I went to school was much easier than this. My wife and I were alone, no kids... we did have one dog, but he did not count, because he could occupy himself. I could study for long periods of time without interruption and learn the things that I wanted to learn.

I am excited about this adventure in my life. I love studying Theology and all things God. But this will be different, I will be learning how to lead people in the study of Theology and all things God.

Wish me luck, this will be a long run, but in the end, God has a plan for all of us and I await to see the outcome.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

What are your new year resolutions.

I have resolved to not make any new year resolutions. Oh, I just failed. Well, at least I got it over quick.